Friday, December 3, 2010

Alan Jackson wants me dead

Golden West Casino - Friday morning NL tournament

Buy-In: $25
Rebuys: $0

During the second level, a player at seat 1 just figured it was time to go home and began pushing all-in every hand without looking. The maniac takes out two players and quickly becomes chip lead. I look down at A2o on the button and shove, of course he calls with 64s. I hit two pair on the flop and quickly gain tourney chip lead.

I maintain this chip lead well into the 8th level, from there things begin to go wrong. Our table breaks, I arrive at the new table, at the cut-off with AJs. I raise, BB shoves and it's only 2k more to call (my stack was at 27k). She shows AK and doubles up through me. Next hand I get AJo, make the same raise, the same player shoves again. I really shouldn't of called but we were getting very close to final table at this point (20 players left). I call, she has AQ this time. All blanks and cripples my stack. The very next hand I get pockets nines with not much left and shove, everybody folds but her who snap calls me and turns aces over. Thus, it took her three hands to bust me.


  1. Dude, that's a sick run of luck. Bit of advice, if I can, just get rid of AJ in early position.. all it does is get your ass in trouble; in general.

  2. Grrr. Specifiy blinds, stack sizes and position. Reading poker hands with out those is like reading chess moves without specifying squares! Tilting me, on purpose? Metagame.
